The hard part’s over; you have a
date for tomorrow night. Time to sit back, relax and fantasize about how
wonderful your evening is going to be. You’re in bliss until the pit in
your stomach presents itself, your palms get clammy, your heartbeat starts
quickening and a sense of panic begins to set in. You have $20 in your wallet and
nothing to wear tomorrow.
Well with twenty dollars you can get easily yourself a manicure, a new outfit and maybe some accessories.
1. The first thing you should try to complete that perfect ensemble is to simply dress up what you already own. We all have those pieces that end up hidden in the depths of the underworld that is our closet that we forgot about months ago. It's time to dig them out and shake off the dust. Now that it's spring it's the perfect opportunity, not to mention that it's prime sundress weather.
Well with twenty dollars you can get easily yourself a manicure, a new outfit and maybe some accessories.
1. The first thing you should try to complete that perfect ensemble is to simply dress up what you already own. We all have those pieces that end up hidden in the depths of the underworld that is our closet that we forgot about months ago. It's time to dig them out and shake off the dust. Now that it's spring it's the perfect opportunity, not to mention that it's prime sundress weather.
Take this belt for example:
You can get it at Wet Seal for only $6.99. I am partial to buying accessories for one-time events, rather than a whole new getup because you can wear them numerous times with different pieces and they'll always look fresh and different.
2. Even though you own plenty of outfits, none seem fitting enough for this night. If you simply insist that you can not find a single decent piece of fabric in your possession, there are plenty of cheap options for you. I took a trip to my local Goodwill in Harrisonburg, VA and, to be honest, I was deeply worried about what I would find. To my delight I came across found two dresses that I would actually wear.
2. Even though you own plenty of outfits, none seem fitting enough for this night. If you simply insist that you can not find a single decent piece of fabric in your possession, there are plenty of cheap options for you. I took a trip to my local Goodwill in Harrisonburg, VA and, to be honest, I was deeply worried about what I would find. To my delight I came across found two dresses that I would actually wear.
This little black dress was made of a tight fitting fabric and came with a built-in bra and pockets.

The hot pink A-line dress is flattering on every body type and flowed perfectly on my short frame.
The best thing about these two cute little numbers is the fact that they were only $4 each. If that's not shopping on a college budget, I don't know what is.
3. So now that your clothing is all set I did mention something about a manicure. The newest fad in the nail world are the Sally Hansen Salon Effects Nail Polish Strips. I am personally obsessed with them. They are $8.50 at Wal-Mart, which may sound expensive, but I challenge you to find a nail studio that will give you a manicure for anything less than $10.
These strips come in over 30 colors and styles and I am willing to try them all. One of my favorites is the "Laced Up" pattern.
For this week I went with "Bling it On" which is one of the girliest patterns to choose from, being filled entirely with hot pink glitter.
They've been on for five days now and only one has chipped a little by my cuticle. The kits come with a file, buffer and all the tools to put the strips on, which is actually very simple with the help of the instructions. The only recommendation I would add is to add a top coat of clear polish to ensure that they last even a bit longer then the 10 days they claim to.
So like I promised a manicure and a new outfit or accessories for under $20 to get you ready for that certain someone (who, by the way, should like you no matter what you're wearing).
If anyone knows of any other cheap stores or websites to find some outfits, comment below because I would love to hear them.
Now get out there and have a fantastic night.
Jenna Danzig
Campus Collegiate
I really enjoyed reading this post. Every single girl in the world can relate to trying to prepare for a night out and then becoming frustrated when there seems to be no possible way of making yourself look presentable. I also agree with the utterly scary idea of shopping at the goodwill. Its really a hit or miss thing and sometimes you may have to spend a little extra time picking through the more, um, eccentric items to find want you want. I haven't experimented with the nail decals you mentioned, but I'm personally a clumsy nail painter so i was hoping for a little more detail on the best way to apply them. I did like the tip with the clear coat though, that way the manicure can last each night of the weekend and more.