It's that time of the year again: finals week. This slowly approaching week means stress, overcaffination, and awkward eating times. Staying healthy, mentally and physically is an important part of exams week. There are a number of tips that can allow you to stay focused and perform your best on your exams.
Believe it or not, there are tons of foods that can help you through this stressful time. Blueberries are said to improve learning capacity. Eggs, which are high in choline, helps improve memory functions. Dark chocolate helps brains deal with free radicals, which can have damaging affects on the brain (just make sure to eat it in moderation).
When at the library, you don't want to be running to the vending machine constantly. Some great snacks to bring along with you are:
-Apples and peanut butter (or banana and peanut butter)
-Carrots and ranch dressing
-Cliff bars
-Whole grain crackers and cheese
Many of these items, such as the yogurt, crackers, cheese, and peanut butter, help stabilize blood sugar and increase the clarity of your thinking. Some foods to avoid, though, are carbs high in starch. These include items such as bagels and bread. High amounts of carbs creates a relaxation effect, which makes you tired. That's is not something you want when trying to cram for that history exam!

And remember, the best thing you can do at the start of your day is to eat breakfast, according to 10 Tips for Healthy Eating During Exams. By keeping your body and brain healthy, you will succeed during finals week!
Campus Collegiate
Great list! Add HDX Hydration Mix into your reusable water bottle and you now have 6 effective ways to stay hydrated during finals!