Sunday, April 22, 2012

Entertainment: Finals Week

Finals Week.  If you are anything like me, those two words are two of the worst words ever used in conjunction with each other.  Just the sound of them makes me want to hide.   You know the feeling.  For a while, you become the screaming man.


Believe me.  I know.  And, if you don’t have an actual final test I am sure you have final projects which, in my opinion are worse than the test anyway.  Whichever is your predicament, I am sure you agree on one thing: finals suck.  We all hate them, we all wish they didn’t exist.  Unless you are like Hermione Granger, but she was just a bit weird when it came to school.


Anyway, when finals are stressing you to the point where you are tearing your own hair out, it is time for a break.  Date Nights are a good way to de-stress, if only for a few hours.  Often times, there are also events on campus that can give you a few hours reprieve from studying.  If you have a dance club of some sort, it is possible that they are having a last dance of the year.  Dancing can be a really fun was to spend a few hours away from the books.

Having a movie night with some friends can help too.  Cramming doesn’t actually work, and often, when studying, you get to that point where nothing is sticking anyway.  It’s like the material is a rookie ice-skater and you are the ice.  They slide right off.  If you are at that point, you are not being productive anyway.  It is time for a break.  Chances are, you are not the only one simply pretending to study at that point.  Find someone else and watch a movie that you’ve seen a thousand times; Disney movies are usually good for this, but any movie will do.  Well, any movie that you can sort of be suitably brain dead for, long enough to recharge. 

Real life doesn’t work like movies.  In movies and TV shows, either finals are portrayed as no big deal, maybe there is about thirty seconds devoted to people actually testing, and then it goes back to having a good time, or they are shown as a huge deal, but the main character never studies and does wonderfully anyway (incidentally, I wouldn’t recommend watching movies like this.  Both will give false impressions).  The truth is, finals are important.  At least as far as passing the class is concerned.  In the real world, no one will ask you what did you get on your history final sophomore year of college.  But because moving on in college requires you to pass your finals, you can’t expect to just breeze through them.  Study, but be smart about it.  It really is OK to take breaks.  In fact, if you don’t, you aren’t helping yourself at all.  So study a bit, then take a break to have some fun.  You won’t pass anything if you turn into a zombie.

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